
How to get to Hakuba

Here are some popular travel options for getting to Hakuba


From Airport to Hakuba (5hrs)

Chuo Taxi

Possibly the easiest way if this is your first time visiting Japan. Driver will be waiting for you with a name card. Adult fare is ¥14,900 o/w.

Nagano Snow Shuttle

From Narita Airport / From Haneda Airport (5 Hours)

All late arrivals offer door to door service.

Alpico Bus

From Narita / Haneda

Free shuttle on arrival into Hakuba Goryu.


Drive from Tokyo to Hakuba

We recommend renting vehicles in Hakuba as we are located at 700meters roads can be snowy and icy; Windy Car Rental and Hakuba Car Rentals offer safe, reliable, Winter equipped cars of any size, no snow chains required.


Bullet Train from Tokyo Station to Nagano Station, then Drive to Hakuba

Once in Nagano you can take a public bus or taxi to Hakuba (1hr). Bullet train duration is 1hr 37mins and connects with the Alpico Bus which is scheduled every 30-45mins. (1.5hrs).


Bus from Shinjuku to Hakuba

Bus service running from Shinjuku, the cheapest option by far.
We will meet you on arrival at Hakuba Goryu Bus stop.


Regular Train from Shinjuku to Hakuba

Very scenic route. A limited option as there are only 2 express trains per day. (5hrs) please check the time table. We will collect you from Kamishiro or Hakuba Station on your arrival.